HeWS expansion to Bacchus Marsh/Melton and Mental Health & Wellbeing



Support expansion of Health-e Workforce Solutions (HeWS) to Melton and Bacchus Marsh, Mental Health & Wellbeing and optimise nursing/midwifery workforce status.

HeWS is the allocations platform nursing and midwifery utilises to request and book staff replacement.    The platform enables the Nursing & Midwifery Workforce Unit team to match part-time, Pool and Bank staff skill and type to the staffing requests made from the ward.  The aim is to be pro-active with forward booking, ensuring we are utilising appropriate staff efficiently.

Our casual and part-time workforce can easily visualise their confirmed shifts and enter or cancel their availability to work on any phone (iPhone or Android), handheld device or home computer through the HeWS web-based application.

  • Lead

    DONM Workforce

  • By When

    Completed: 30 June 2023

  • Measurable Outcome

    HeWs successfully implemented at Bacchus Marsh, Melton and Mental Health & Wellbeing, and nursing/midwifery vacancy rate decreased.