Published on 9 March 2022

The Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV) did a lot of work in February 2022 with Western Health teams to provide support to our nurses and midwives.

NMHPV is conducting an important survey to check the health impact on nurses, midwives, and our students of working and living during the COVID-19 pandemic.

NMHPV is acutely aware nurses, midwives and our students have and continue to experience health impacts of working and living through the COVID-19 pandemic.

You are invited to take 10 minutes to complete this important ethics approved survey to assist NMHPV to understand the COVID-19 health impact on YOU.

Details and information about the survey, and the consent form are available at, together with a link to the survey. Otherwise follow this QR code:

The survey also asks questions about how we can best support you into the future.

NMHPV is here to support you

If this survey raises any issues for you or you need support-NMHPV is available to all Victorian nurses, midwives, and students:

Phone: 03 9415 7551