Published on 8 July 2022

Libby Muir is studying at the University of Melbourne and is undertaking a research project titled Becoming a Nurse: A mixed methods study of student nurse employment and graduate nurse experience.

The purpose of the research is to further explore the influence of undergraduate employment on registered nurse preparation, work readiness and consequential transition to nursing practice, along with the potential impact on workforce recruitment and retention.

The effectiveness of undergraduate nursing preparation, nursing students’ access to clinical experience and the graduate nurse’s experience of transition to nursing has been the subject of professional discussions for many years. While it is known that undergraduate nurses work during their university study, there is limited research about the impact of their employment on their learning and preparation. The introduction of the Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing (RUSON) employment model in Victoria, and it’s rapid expansion has provided an opportunity to explore the influence undergraduate employment may have on the graduate nurse’s experience of becoming a nurse.

Pilot evaluations have suggested that employing RUSONs may improve the clinical skills, confidence, time management, communication and work readiness of the student and assist graduate nurses transition to practice. These early studies also demonstrated the value of the RUSON position to the workforce, health service and patient care.

The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of undergraduate nursing student employment on new graduate preparation, work readiness and consequential transition to nursing practice.

The survey is estimated to take between 15 and 20 minutes and is available online here. Further information is also available through the Plain Language Statement.

We encourage our Graduate Nurses to participate in this study if able. At a time when recruitment and retention of graduate nurses is critical, this study may provide an expanded understanding of the graduate perspective.

To demonstrate appreciation for graduate nurses participating in the survey, the researcher has organised the opportunity for participants to register for the draw to win one of five $100 vouchers.