You are invited to attend the ‘Best Practice in Dementia Health Care’ Conference – a Victoria University, Western Health and Australian Institute of Musculoskeletal Science Collaborative Event.

Date: Thursday 10 November 2022

Location: Western Centre for Health Research and Education Auditorium

Time: 8.30am – 2.00pm (registration 8.00am)

Conference vision: To optimise the health care of older Australians living with dementia, by bringing together all stakeholders with an interest in dementia health care and better aligning research with consumer and stakeholder priorities.

Aim: To understand clinical practice challenges associated with providing care to older Australians living with dementia, particularly in Melbourne’s Western suburbs, and research strategies working towards addressing the dementia-related knowledge and research gaps.

Audience: Health care professionals, researchers, academics, health care students, dementia/aged care/ageing stakeholders, the public (including people living with dementia and carers).

Draft Schedule: Under development. Individual presentations are scheduled for 15 minutes (10 min talk + 5 min questions) and are preferred to be delivered in-person.

Attendance information: Free to attend (morning tea and lunch included). Hybrid attendance (in person and zoom).

Registration is essential to attend:

Published on 18 July 2022